Description of the case

Be safe, comfortable and free to do what you want

Vital Beat offers you a unique solution for all the problems you might experience when getting your medical device. We hope to help you get back out there and feel protected and comfortable using our product in your daily life, while being active and while playing sports.

Enjoy life with Vital Beat protection and comfort

  • Driving with your seatbelt on
  • Playing your favourite sport
  • Hiking with a backpack
  • Playing with your dog
  • Being active with friends and family
  • Riding your bike or motorcycle

Vital Beat would like to come in contact with:

Medical Equipment Distributors / Cardiology Specialists / Health Care Representatives

Ook zaken doen met en in de USA?
Neem contact op voor een vrijblijvend intake gesprek.

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Disclaimer: We geven geen juridisch advies en dit is ook geen juridisch document. Raadpleeg een advocaat om meer te weten te komen over de specifieke wettelijke vereisten per staat en land.

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